So, I finally did it.

I started a blog.  This is something that I have been talking about doing for years, but the gap between saying I would do it and actually doing it has been vast.  An abyss, you might say.

a·byss [uh-bis]  –noun

1. a deep, immeasurable space, gulf, or cavity; vast chasm.

2. anything profound, unfathomable, or infinite: the abyss of time.

3.(in ancient cosmogony)

a. the primal chaos before Creation.

b. the infernal regions; hell.

c. a subterranean ocean.

Really, I am quite comfortable using any of those definitions to describe the period between when I first had the idea to start a blog and today, but I am particularly fond of 3b.

Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about the blog, or blogs, rather.  In an effort to catalog my thoughts in a way that makes sense (or perhaps to sort of make up for my aforementioned shame in this taking so long), I have decided to double down and start two blogs at once.  Yes, this could mean that I will just fail twice as much if I can’t live up to the challenge, but I’d rather think of it as just being twice as awesome.

Where Worlds Collide (where you are right now) will serve as a potpourri of all things Ellery.  This includes, in no particular order, posts about:

  • Social media
  • Startups/Entrepreneurship
  • Advertising
  • Cause Marketing
  • Sustainability
  • Music
  • The occasional rant about sports (primarily – making it that much more insufferable to most of you – Boston sports)
  • Cool things I find on the internet

Now that I look at it, that’s actually probably a pretty good representation of the order of the things I’ll post, except I’d probably move the last one up towards the top.

Right about now, those of you who know me well have probably noticed a pretty glaring hole in my list of topics.  That, of course, being food.  And you’d be right.  No blog by Ellery would be complete without dedicating a fair amount of pixels to my culinary adventures.  That being the case, I have decided that my passion for food, wine, spirits, and everything in between deserves its own space.  So, for those musings, head on over to The Gastronomical We.

Well, that about covers it.  Welcome to Where Worlds Collide, a collection of thoughts, links, and awesomeness brought to you by Ellery Long.

And remember, social media is just media without the social part.  Please do leave comments on posts you like (or don’t) and feel free to email me, tweet me, or stop me on the street with any suggestions, tips, or general feedback.  I promise I won’t bite.

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